August 29th!!
We had another great and BUSY day today. This morning we learned all about the near (which is the lesson in the text). We completed another day of centers where the students worked on spelling, designed a specific theme image, surfed the class site, and added more info to their reading notebooks. Before lunch the students took their spelling pretest. I do spelling test a little different, the students only have to study the words if they miss on the pretest. So this means they May not have very many words to study throughout the week. The spelling test for this week is on Thursday. I have found that this works much better for students in increasing their ability to spell and in their willingness to work on spelling. This afternoon we worked on rounding numbers up to the 100,000 place and played some place value Yahtzee. After music the students worked on planning for their egg drop. We will start building the contraptions tomorrow, then on Thursday Mr. Adams will be dropping the eggs inside their contraptions off the top of the school! 😳 The kids are pretty excited!  I believe we're ready for another day. Bring on Tuesday!Â