Unit 2
The Medieval Times
The Medieval Times
Part 1
I will research and take notes on the reading provided. I will write an informative paragraph about a serf's life. I will write a comparative paper comparing lords & serfs. I will write a persuasive paragraph about which level of the hierarchy I would have wanted to be in the Middle Ages.
Lesson 1 - Big Question
What events led to the middle ages?
Word - Transform
medieval - transform - empire - seize - loot
infamous - papacy - nobleman
Read Welcome to the Middle Ages
Take notes on important events
I can sequence events on a timeline
I can read and understand a timeline. I understand how it helps me better understand the information provided.
Lesson 2 - Big Question
How were the lives of serfs & Lords different from one another?
Word - Rival
Read To the Manor Born
Identify nouns & adjectives - un- & non-
Complete the lords and serfs chart
I have completed my comparison chart of lords and serfs. This will help me write my paragraph project.
Lesson 3 - Big Question
How can I explain the differences between Serfs and Lords in my writing?
Word - Loyal
Create a plan for compare & contrast
Go over paragraph builder
Compose an informative paragraph about a lord's life
I will build an informative paragraph about a lord's life. I will choose a topic sentence and supporting details that provide more information about the topic I chose.
Lesson 4 - Big Question
Why was there a need for Knights and castles?
Word - influential
Read Gloomy Castles & Jousting Knights
Take notes on the reading
Identify nouns & adjectives ~
un- & non-
I will focus my energy on vocabulary, prefixes, and parts of speech to improve my writing.
Lesson 5 - Big Question
How did the growth of trade affect the way people lived?
Word - Fuel
Read Merchants, Markets, and Mud
Answer questions on reading --> find positive & negatives to town life
Understand the rubric for my writing - serf paragraph
I am learning more about life during the Middle Ages to better my informative paragraph.
Lesson 6 - Big Question
How did the growth of trade affect the way people lived?
Word - Emerge
Compare life on a manor to life in town
I understand -ly & en- used as prefixes and suffixes
I understand the vocabulary words for the reading
I am continuing to work on my prefixes, suffixes, and vocabulary. I understand the basics of what life was like in a manor and life in town.
Lesson 7 - Big Question
What practices in the middle ages show the influence and power of the church?
Word - Devote
Read The Power of the Church
Complete the chart to compare knights, craftsmen, and monks/nuns
Write 3 ways the church influenced the people during the Middle Ages
I understand the basics of life of the knights, craftsmen, and monks/nuns. I understand that the church had a lot of influence on life in the Middle Ages.
Lesson 8 - Big Question
How did the church impact the lives of people?
Word - destined
Read The Power of the Church
Using the chart, write 2 positive impacts for each group of people
Discuss the different groups of people
As I get closer to writing my persuasive paper, I will compile my list of 2 positive impacts each group of people discussed in the writing had on the times.
Lesson 9 - Big Question
How did the battle of hastings change history?
Word - Determination
In this chapter, you will be on the lookout for information about the 2 countries involved and their leaders :
William the Duke of Normandy
King Harold
Read 1066: The Battle That Changed History
Discuss the battle and its effects
Discuss how to use adjectives & adverbs correctly
I will focus on the correct use of adjectives and adverbs.
Lesson 10 - Big Question
How did the battle of hastings change history?
Word - Pursue
Use information from the reader to answer questions
Discuss a persuasive
Complete the graphic organizer for the person you chose
I will create a basic plan of attack for my persuasive paper. I will choose my category of person and compile a list of basic facts about them that support my reasoning.
Lesson 11 - Big Question
Why was King Henry II such an important English king?
Word - restore
Read Henry II and Law & Order" and discuss the king's effects
Discuss the difference between subject and predicates
I understand the root arch
I understand the use of a subject and predicate. I understand the basic uses of our root arch.
Lesson 12 - Big Question
How did King Henry II impact England?
Word - Acquire
Check out the graphic organizer to discuss the groups
Continue the discussion of King Henry
Discuss the points of focus for the persuasive paragraph
Create a group paragraph
I created a practice paragraph in teacher center.
Lesson 13 - Big Question
Why is Magna Carta such an important document?
Word - inevitable
Read King John & Magna Carta
Plan for your persuasive paragraph
Create a rough draft of your paragraph
I am starting to create a layout for my paragraph.
Lesson 14 - Big Question
How are things in our lives today affected by things people created or invented in the middle ages?
Word - indeed
Read A Changing World and discuss the effects the Middle Ages had on today
Work with Unit vocabulary & parts of speech
Complete the chart comparing the ages