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In this unit, I will learn how to collaborate, define research, read about inventors, paraphrase the inventions, plan an invention, and pitch my plan!
Driving Question : Could an invention change the world?
Episode 1
Welcome to Eureka
Judge Note 1
Judge Note 2
Judge Note 3
I will identify what it takes to collaborate
I will design a plan to share with my group
I will work with my group to build the contraption
Challenge : Earn the collaboration piece
Episode 2
Irate Mr. Edison
Judge Note 1
Judge Note 2
I will read about the different inventors
I will research the information needed
I will define how to be an introspective inventor
Episode 3
Good Pitch vs Bad Pitch
Judge Note 1
Judge Note 2
I will read about the different inventions
I will research the information needed
I will decide how these inventions changed the world
Challenge : Earn the research piece
Episode 4
Speaking with Style
Judge Note 1
Judge Note 2
I will read about the different inventions
I will research the information needed
I will decide how these inventions changed the world
Episode 5
Invention Breeds Invention
Judge Note 1
Team Inclined Plane
Team Screw
Team Lever
Team Wedge
Team Pulley
Team Wheel & Axel
I will read about the different simple machines
I will research the information needed
I will create a skit or dance to demonstrate how the simple machine is used
Challenge : Earn the pitch piece
Episode 6
Judge Note 1
Judge Note 2
Game : How Many Ways can you solve it?
A category will be announced and your team must generate a list of ideas to accomplish the task.
Think of different ways to solve a task
Design and work as a team
Invent something for Professor Carver
Challenge : Earn the documentation piece
Episode 7
Judge Note 1
Participate in a collaborative discussion
Write an opinion piece on the usefulness of failure
Make sure to include information from what you've learned and what you already knew
Challenge : Earn the failure piece
Episode 8
Identifying Challenges
Revise or complete writing challenges
Write 2 short, informative pieces describing your invention idea
Students will share their ideas through interviews
Episode 9
Final Challenge - Part 1 : Invent
Write a detailed explanation of your invention, including an argument for its importance
Listen to classmates, provide feedback
Create illustrations or models and audio recordings to enhance the presentation
Episode 10
Final Challenge - Part 2 : Pitch
Present your group invention
Reflect individually and as a group on the invention
Write a reflection on the invention and thoughts on the project
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